Wednesday, April 10, 2013

NCAA athletics

NCAA athletics, what a mess. 

Regulating athletes and underregulating athletics is nonsensical. 

Some say the University President system of leading each school in the way they will go athletically is in need of updating. Perhaps. But, realistically, nothing will change given the will of the people involved, people paid by the university system.  

Some advocate a rounded out leadership team, with different interests at the table. 
This means putting those that have experience as athletes or coaches onto the leadership team. Not a ridiculous thought. But will this change anything for the better? These ex-jocks will, through self love (we can generously call it love for the game), advocate the hell out of allowing sport to have an even larger, more lucrative presence. And why wouldn't they? They will, in most instances, seek a better monetary deal for their constituants (themselves in an updated version): the athlete. 

The 'team of leaders' will be in a collusion of self interest, and nothing will change. NCAA sport will only grow bigger. 
Better? Doubt it. Better is about simply the thrill of competing, teammates, in short, experiencing the relationships of the sport. 
We can do that in leather helmets sans human growth hormones, transcontinental flights, elite facilities, multi-million dollar contracts to coaches, and so on. 

We could offer the option of restructuring athletics into a proper human proportion. This is a good lesson for 'student-athletes' as it is the lesson we all need to learn so that we don't tank the world with our over-consumptive ways. 

Sport could play a starring role in leading the way forward. Or not.

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